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04KigaliSerena - 1 * The Serena Kigali hotel was also limited on rooms so we had to put up with the Presidential Suite with 2 other couples. We thought of them as Secret Service.

04KigaliSerena - 2

05KigaliToAkagara - 01 * Believe it or not, the Green Helmets are taxis.

05KigaliToAkagara - 02 * Leaving Kigali, our first adventure heads us east to Akagera National Park along the border with Tanzania.

05KigaliToAkagara - 03

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05KigaliToAkagara - 05

05KigaliToAkagara - 06

05KigaliToAkagara - 07

05KigaliToAkagara - 08

05KigaliToAkagara - 09

Copyright © 2007 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

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